Friday, August 1, 2014

5 Tips for Faithful Follow-up


Make sure guests don't go unnoticed.. Image Info:
Make sure guests don't go unnoticed.
Proactively following up with newcomers can transform an introduction into a relationship. Carmel Baptist Church in Matthews, N.C., developed a well-established system to make sure guests don’t go unnoticed.

1. Enlist a coordinator. Ask one person to coordinate a team of volunteers focused on follow-up and responsible for everything from creating contact forms for guests to complete to buying items for welcome baskets and assigning follow-up phone calls.

2. Begin at hello. When guests come through the door, greet them immediately, ask their names and be sure to memorize them to introduce them to others.

3. Learn their needs. Ask guests for their prayer requests or other needs. Then, when volunteers call or e-mail during the week, they can share that they’ve been praying for specific requests.

4. Invite them back. Using their first names, Invite guests to come back. Let them know you hope to see them again.

5. Make contact. Within the following week, ask volunteers to drop off a welcome basket of goodies and church information.

--From Outreach magazine, September/October 2006

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