Friday, November 1, 2013

3 Ways to Spur Ministry Momentum

I am frequently asked how we spur momentum where I lead. I have been blessed to be part of some tremendous seasons of momentum in the churches where I have served as pastor or planter. We are in another season of momentum now.
I am quick to point out that God is ultimately in control of His church. I get no credit and don’t want it. But I am also not afraid to point to what God has done through His people. In my experience, He often allows the body to lead. I believe He has gifted us with uniqueness and imagination for a reason. I believe the parable of the talents is an example of the way God wants us as church leaders to make wise decisions with what He has given us. (That even sounds Biblical. 1 Corinthians 12:27)

With that disclaimer, (which is always necessary in a post like this) how do we stir momentum? How does the body, functioning together, spur momentum?
In my observation, there are really 3 basic ways momentum is encouraged.

Here are 3 ways momentum is fueled:

Innovation – I’m using this term to highlight improving existing. This is development.

When you take what you have and attempt to make it even better people notice and it makes room for more excitement…more enthusiasm in the body…more momentum.

Creativity – Dreaming. Brainstorming. Ideas. Randomness. This can be temporary, even one time activities. We can’t be more creative than the Creator so don’t be afraid to “think outside the box”. Creating something unusual or something that has never been tried before gives momentum explosive potential.

Change – Change means new. New creates immediate energy. Momentum. Every time. New classes. New services. New times. Even new people in leadership. Change spurs momentum.

Those are the 3 momentum fuels I’ve observed.

It should be noted that not all momentum is positive momentum. There is such a thing as negative momentum and it can often grow stronger and faster than the positive kind. So beware. Be careful. Be smart. But, even still, be consistent with trying to spur momentum.

In my experience though, you can often reverse negative momentum with more positive momentum. Which, by the way, requires more innovation, more creativity or more change.

It’s not easy. In fact it’s hard. That’s why it requires leadership. But, figuring out what causes momentum isn’t difficult either. Of course, with any principles, knowing and doing are two different issues. But, at least now you know what I have observed, by experience, about fueling momentum.
Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader passionate about planting churches, helping established churches thrive, and assisting pastors and those in ministry think through leadership, strategy and life. Ron has over 20 years business experience, mostly as a self-employed business owner, and he's been helping church grow vocationally for over 10 years.  More from Ron Edmondson or visit Ron at

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